lol You seem to be less mentally troubled than JW's that know the truth about the truth at a young age. I'm glad your feelings about it are kind of "heh" will save ya from alot of pain.
Obviously Secret
JoinedPosts by Obviously Secret
my views to my parents, results
by crizlee ini shared with my parents your evil apostate views, and they called it propaganda, they didnt want me to look at it anymore.
and then they said if they are true, this religion is the most pure anyway.
i feel bad for my dad mostly, he was a soldier stationed in korea and met my mom there who begin to study and turned out to be a totaly different woman he met(she use to like to party drink, was pretty cool, after study she turned up tight and was always in his face).
How far can you walk drunk?
by catchthis in.
(just move your mouse opposite of the guy falling) .
Obviously Secret
I got 86 on my first try. Im such cool.
Obviously Secret
ya that's me. My worse fear is dieing in pain. I want to just get like a big huge ya know thing that they use to make building skeletons. Then I want it just to drop on my head. Best way to go.
Anyways, I wouldn't mind goin in the wind. I dunno I might be in like some dudes meal caue a fish ate a peice of me but oh well.
Obviously Secret
I don't want people all looking at my dead body when Im dead and can't defend myself. Could get slapped in the face and don't even know it.
My view might change lol. But just remember, everything in your life shapes your decision in a way.
Questions about Jehovahs Witness???
by JDWEEE incharles taze russell, founded the jw in the 1860's.
which is based on his own interpretations of the bible.
he had no theology education, and did not know the greek, and hebrew language.. question: how can an average man, with "no" education, interpret the bible correctly?.
Obviously Secret
lol XQ. ya I know huh? Doubt there is ever an acurate interpretation of the bible. Come on, let's say a person makes a statue. And says there is deeper meaning about the statue than what it is. People can go on with thousands of interpretations. The most educated at that. Yet they'll prolly never get the real interpretation because it's just that, an interpretation, it's endless.
So oh well. Hate when people say they're interpretation is right cause it's just an interpretation.
Not saying you tried to interpret this isn't directed at you topic starter =).
Personal Relationship with Jehovah?????
by Nessy ini'm new and this is my first post.
when i was in the truth, i remember how we were encouraged to cultivate a personal relationship with jehovah.
we were to think of him as our friend and to rely on him soley.
Obviously Secret
lol make up a person in your head. Very easy just think of how his face looks how his body looks. How he talks to you. Then become friends with him. See a difference from that being Jehovah or somebody else? You can be quite aquainted with this imaginary friend.
Not to judge but heh that's most likely what most people who did cultivate a friendly relationship with God did. They had a few extra things to base him on. Like him killing thousands of people in the past. Him creating you and everybody around you. So heh pretty much gotta force yourself but you can become friends with "Jehovah".
I never did though. I was totally weird I wanted actual real friends. Im so demonic.
do not attempt dating witness girls!!!!!
by crizlee inprepare for a long read.
its some interesting drama yea.
well i've known this girl for a month and a half now she came from the spanish congregation to the english congregation, her dad's an elder and i heard she was pretty wild.
Obviously Secret
lol so you are a JW. Man I hope most Jw kids are like you, I really do. Well you aren't much on the good side since you like to curse, but don't feel bad. Remember this, there is no dark side. Just something people use to keep people in line.
Not all JW girls are like that. She seems to be the "Hey like, like this guy I like he is totally hot and I think I should sleep with him" sorry I got that from what you wrote. So you shouldn't waste your time with her anyways. Lol I've actually found a few sane JW girls. Wow know a good handfull of psycho ones. REAL psycho ones. Just wait on your time, you seem like your gonna be a quick fader. Very quick fader.
do not attempt dating witness girls!!!!!
by crizlee inprepare for a long read.
its some interesting drama yea.
well i've known this girl for a month and a half now she came from the spanish congregation to the english congregation, her dad's an elder and i heard she was pretty wild.
Obviously Secret
That was a choir to read lol. Well sorry you got stood up by a JW chick. If you really wanted her you should have just gotten baptised and became a pioneer. She'd have your babies 9 months later. just kidding (kind of)
My question is (if your gonna stay here. Seems like a hit and run post.), Are you a JW?
lol Girls are a choir, you've experienced that first hand.
Another question for all you guys out there
by Lehaa inok time to be brutally honest.. what do guys think of women with tattoo's.
first thing that jumps into your head.. reason i ask is i'm getting my first one next week and was wondering what the general concensus is.. i am definately sure about doing it.
thought about it for years and it took me 6 months to find the design i wanted.
Obviously Secret
I litterally thought of peaches. But then my second thought was, that your just finding something new. Your extra excited about it expecially since you were looking for 6 months lol so it seemed like you were going for the adventurous look but still had a couple of past memories that evidently made you take so long to get it done lol.
Lol like if you said, "Hey I feel like getting a tattoo today on my ass" I would have thought kind of negatively. Like you don't apreciate your body enough to even give it a second thought lol. However, I felt totally positive when you were telling us about the concern and the patience you had for it. Comemorate your instinctual humble attitude.
However, I really did think peaches for some reason. Don't ask me why. Don't feel bad though, I love the smell of peaches.
by sandy inwhy do some guys feel the need to have sex with their ex-girlfriends?
is this a common thing?
how many of you guys did or do this?.
Obviously Secret
Jehovah's Witnesses are sex crazed {James 3:15,16} and Ex JW's appear to be sex-crazed.
I kind of resent that remark a little... I doubt I'm sex crazed or will be lol.
However, that guy sandy, is just a horndog wanting sex. If it was me i'd dump him and never look at him again, but I don't like tellin people what to do.
Don't lose faith in all us men, remember most of the ones that have sex like alot and go out with everybody and their mommas are usuallly not all too good of guys in the first place ya know?
Lol if people would realise the real good guys there wouldn't even be this problem.
But he's a horn dog to even think about cheating on his girlfriend, and you know he cheated on you so I mean just for the sake of keeping your health try not to have all too many deep feelings for this guy since he is a horndog.
=( wish girls would look for the good guys instead of the bad guys.